Thursday, November 4, 2010


My introduction will be a hail to thinking-and-acting , an article from my esteemed tutor, Mr. Leong, for my Year 3 Dissertation.
I do spend a lot of time contemplating, thinking, but not enough time acting!
I have been planning for a long time to create a blog, to reveal my art piece, my work, and my point of view in certain issue, at the same time reveal my idea, my believe as well as my stand.
I appreciate that, we are "ordered" to have a blog in our dissertation tutorial class, discussing our point of view, our dissertation, and so on. At least this will be a rather serious space to discuss something make sense, compare to yelling on Facebook or ya-ta-ta* macroscopic view at mamak stall.

Once again, Cycle of Though from Mr. Leong awakens me that "Our thoughts are ephemeral".
One of the reason to create a proper blog like this is to trace my thoughts to the source. What lead to my formation of "new" thought and idea has always interested me. Maintaining a blog, and sharing the thought and idea will be the best way to keep track the formation of my thought.

Last but not least, I can't deny that, start the blog as the latter will be a lot easier, as I won't panic what I have to put in my blog as required (although there is no any requirement for the blog). Another secret,  it take me a few hours checking dictionary to read through my tutor and peer's blog, and another hour to adapt other people's sentence to convey my thought. Convey in English is such a big barrier for me to reveal my though, however i hope this obstacle will be a motivation for me to maintain this blog.

p/s: an interesting word i learn from the search
ya-ta-ta: empty conversation